Monday, January 16, 2012

If faith should fail us then hope will see us through

      Today I got to feed my addiction. I swear shopping is a monkey on my back. At Gabe's I got a handmade sweater and some doh! summer shoes. Now I can cross huaraches off my list. We also went to the 12th St. Sal Val which I haven't visited in years. It is small and has a very eclectic clientele but super unique old stuff. Their record stock is out of this world. I had to tear myself away from buying a sealed $2 box of junk *I mean* accessories. I refrained because it wasn't jewelry like I initially thought. I kind of regret that decision now, but at least I don't feel like someone from Storage Wars. Anyway, I proudly left with only one totally kick ass 80s Odie sweater. Good day had by all.
Hand me down Button Down, Thrifted Cardigan- NY&Co, Thrifted Vintage Jacket-
Pendleton, Pants- Gabriel Brothers, Boots- Dr. Martens, Socks- Vans


  1. This is lovely I love your floral docs so jealous!

  2. Me too! I love your d0cs! I had a pair once but they were child sized & I outgrew them. :(
